研究 / Research Topics




Complexity and uncertainty make it difficult to estimate how measures to solve a problem will affect the system as a whole. Specifically, estimating how boosting electric vehicles or introducing a carbon tax will affect greenhouse gas emissions is difficult due to the complexity and uncertainty of the social system.

Moreover, even when creative solutions are obtained, there are social difficulties in their implementation, such as human biases and organizational inertia.

Based on systems design methodologies and systems thinking approaches, our laboratory has established the following research themes to address these problems.

複雑な挙動の予測とアイデアの評価 / 

Prediction of complex systems behavior and evaluation of innovative ideas




Creative ideas for solving problems should be evaluated according to the impact these ideas will have on social and industrial systems. On the other hand, it is difficult to estimate this impact due to interactions and future uncertainties caused by the complexity of the target system.

For this reason, we use simulation and data-based scientific approaches to predict system behavior in order to support decision-making problems such as the selection of solutions to problems and the design of the overall system.

So far, we have worked on international rules for decarbonizing maritime logistics, decision-making on project resource management in companies, and maintaining public transportation services in local governments, and have accumulated knowledge for modeling various social systems as computer simulations.

Policy Design for the Introduction of Automatic Operation Technology

We built an industrial simulator that models the relationships among stakeholders in the maritime industry, including policy makers, shipping companies, and shipyards and manufacturers, and conducted a world-leading study to explore the combination of stakeholder decision making that will accelerate the introduction of automated vessels. The study modeled and simulated the economic feasibility and safety of 12 types of automated vessels in combination, and the impact of industrial activity on these factors. The results showed that, among the various options available, deregulation combined with subsidies for R&D and demonstration projects would accelerate the timing of the introduction of automated vessels. It is hoped that the proposed simulations can be used by policy makers and companies in their decision-making to achieve a smooth consensus-building process for the early introduction of new technologies.
Nakashima, T., Moser, B., & Hiekata, K. (2023). Accelerated adoption of maritime autonomous vessels by simulating the interplay of stakeholder decisions and learning. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 194, 122710. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.TECHFORE.2023.122710
適切な意思決定で自動運航の実現が大きく加速 ― シミュレーションが明らかにするステークホルダーの協力の効果 ― https://www.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/information/category/press/10269.html

Social Systems Design towards Zero Emission: Data Center Case

システム思考の方法論とシミュレーションを活用して、脱炭素社会に向けた社会や産業の基盤システムに関する意思決定の支援を行っている。右図の例では、再生可能エネルギーにより運用するデータセンターのコンセプトをシステム思考的なアプローチで検討した例であり、シンガポールの沿岸域や海上のデータセンターを実現すると二酸化炭素排出量を50%削減できる可能性を示した。このほかの社会や産業界の課題についても、シミュレーションによるシステムデザインに基づいた提言を行っている。Using system thinking methodologies and simulations, we support decision-making on social and industrial infrastructure systems towards a zero emission society. In the example shown in the figure on the right, the concept of a data center operated by renewable energy was examined using a system-thinking approach, and the possibility of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 50% was shown by realizing coastal and offshore data centers in Singapore. We also make proposals based on system design by simulation on other social and industrial problems.
Ichinose, Y., Hayashi, M., Nomura, S., Moser, B., & Hiekata, K. (2022). Sustainable Data Centers in Southeast Asia: Offshore, Nearshore, and Onshore Systems for Integrated Data and Power. Sustainable Cities and Society, 81, 103867. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SCS.2022.103867

A System Dynamics Approach towards Design and Management for Software Development Projects

ソフトウェアプロジェクトは、挙動が動的で複雑かつ不確実であることから、時間、コスト想定の範囲に収めることが困難である。プロジェクトを成功させるために、プロジェクトマネージャーは、雇用、残業、納期変更などのオプションを適切に実行する。本研究では、動的かつ不確実な状況をモデル化し、雇用残業状況をソフトウェア開発プロジェクトマネジメントのオプションとして、複数のシナリオに対して納期やコストを予測するシステムダイナミクスのシミュレーションモデルを開発した。その結果、コストと時間を考慮したプロジェクト開発における実行可能な計画を選択および設計するのに有用である。グラフはシミュレーションモデルの因果ループ図Software projects are often very difficult to proceed within time, budget and specific scope due to dynamic, complex and uncertain behavior. Hence to make a project success, several control actions such as hiring, working overtime, extending deadline are taken by project manager. Considering the dynamic and uncertain situations, a simulation model has been developed to generate multiple scenarios as outputs by taking project manager’s options, hiring and overtime, as input parameters for software development project management.  These results would support to choose and design a feasible plan for project development considering cost and time.  The Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) represents the relationship among different variables while using project manager's options to measure project performance. 
Mst Taskia Khatun, Kazuo Hiekata, Yutaka Takahashi & Isaac Okada (2022). Design and management of software development projects under rework uncertainty: a study using system dynamics. Journal of Decision Systems, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/12460125.2021.2023257

システムコンテクストの理解とアイデアの創出 / System Context Analysis and Ideation



There is no single optimal design for a cross-disciplinary system, and it is a matter of building trade spaces and searching for good design points across stakeholders. This requires the integration of knowledge across disciplines. To this end, we will work on developing methods to describe knowledge in a form that can be shared and reused, to discover knowledge from data, and to support the formation of a common understanding among stakeholders toward problem solving. In addition, in order to encourage the creation of innovative ideas for problem solving, we will work to create a teamwork environment that ensures psychological safety and reduces the impact of bias.

Even when effective options for problem solving are identified, there are various obstacles to their realization, such as organizational inertia and cognitive biases. It is also necessary to build consensus among many stakeholders with different positions. To solve this problem, we will work to develop a hands-on workshop that will enable in-depth understanding of solutions evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively through simulation models.

複雑な社会技術システムの分析と記述 /
Analysis of Complex Social and Technological Systems

 産業界や社会を情報技術が相互につなげることで、人の暮らしはこれまでになく便利になりました。同時に、システム化された多種の技術や組織の複雑さのために、解決の難しい問題が数多く生まれました。例えば、研究室で取り組んでいる脱炭素の推進や自動化技術の導入には社会と技術の両面からの取り組みが必要です。 本研究室のこのような問題への取り組みでは、定性的なモデル化手法で対象システムのコンテクストや挙動を記述して理解を深め、曖昧な問題意識を解決可能な課題として定義することから研究テーマをデザインすることから始めます。
By connecting information technology to industry and society, people's lives have become more convenient than ever. At the same time, the complexities of the various systems and organizations that have been systematized have created many difficult problems to solve. For example, the promotion of decarbonization and the introduction of automation technology that we are working on in our laboratory require social and technological efforts.In our laboratory's approach to such problems, the research theme is to describe the context and behavior of the systems using a qualitative modeling method to deepen understanding and define ambiguous problem awareness as a solvable problem. 
Chapter 2 of  "Ichinose, Y., Hayashi, M., Nomura, S., Moser, B., & Hiekata, K. (2022). Sustainable Data Centers in Southeast Asia: Offshore, Nearshore, and Onshore Systems for Integrated Data and Power. Sustainable Cities and Society, 81, 103867. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SCS.2022.103867"

Teamwork Environement for Understanding Systems Behaviors

複雑なシステムに関する意思決定など、専門性の異なるチームメンバーによる知的活動のダイナミクスを明らかにするため、参加者の発話やソフトウエアの操作履歴やシミュレーションソフトへの入力、ビデオデータなどをセンシングするコラボレーション環境を開発する。複数のセンサーから得られた異なる種類のデータから議論の流れや内容を分析・可視化し、意思決定や合意形成の高度化を目指す。 右図はタンカーの船隊構成変更に関する意思決定のデモンストレーションの例。We build and test a collaborative design environment with IoT sensors to help researchers study engineering teamwork behavior as it relates to design performance. As a demonstration, we use an instrumented environment to observe engineers designing a fleet of crude oil tankers with the assistance of an interactive computer simulation. Recorded observations include user-triggered software events, simulation inputs and results, conversation activity, and video data. We may answer research questions about the nature of teamwork behavior and design performance.

I. Winder, D. Delaporte, S. Wanaka and K. Hiekata, "Sensing Teamwork During Multi-objective Optimization," 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/WF-IoT48130.2020.9221086.

Teamwork Visualization

創造的なアイデアを創出し実装するには、作業プロセスの設計のみならず、プロセスを効果的に実践するためのチームワークのサポートが不可欠である。図はアイデア創出ワークショップにおけるコミュニケーションパターンの変化を可視化した図である。どのような議論をどのようなコミュニケーションモードで行ったかという情報は、第三者がチームに介入をする上で有効な情報でああるとともに、チームメンバー自身がチームワークの振り返りをする時にも役立つ。In order to generate and implement creative ideas, it is essential not only to design the work process, but also to support teamwork to effectively implement the process. The figure visualizes the changes in communication patterns during an idea generation workshop. The information on the communication mode and the type of discussion is useful for managers to intervene in the team, as well as for team members themselves to reflect on their teamwork.
Peng, S., Amakasu, T., Kawauchi, H., Horii, H., & Hiekata, K. (2021). Development of Method for Visualizing Behavioral States of Teams. In L. Newnes, S. Lattanzio, B. R. Moser, J. Stjepandić, & N. Wognum (Eds.), Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. IOS Press. https://doi.org/10.3233/ATDE210134

Approaches to Eliminating Cognitive Bias: Development of a Cybersecurity Workshop Using a Business Process Simulator

Where complex decision-making is required, such as cyber security incident response, cognitive bias may occur, To solve the problem, we developed a simulator that calculates the time and work required for response. Furthermore, through hands-on workshops using the developed simulator, we will remove the cognitive bias and motivate them to inprove their incident process.
T.kasubuchi, K. Hiekata, Propose and evaluate a workshop method to improve the security incident response process by using process simulation., 2022-SPT-48, Vol.37, pp. 1-8 ,2022

概念実証と社会実装 / Proof-of-Concept and  Social Implementation


If information technology is a key element of the problem solution, we also provide proof of concept for new operations through prototype development.

2004年ころから研究室で検討を開始したオンデマンド交通サービスは、基盤情報システムの開発ののち現在では50以上の自治体でサービスを提供している。運行計画を生成するアルゴリズムの高度化に取り組んだのち、現在は高齢者や過疎地の課題解決に向けた蓄積された利用データの活用検討をシステム設計方法論に基づいて行っている。図は利用データを地図上に表示した例。 We developed information systems for on-demand transportation service. The system is serving more than 50 municipality in Japan to solve problems of super aging society. We adopt systems design method to explore the utilization of trip data. The graph is a sample of visualization of trip data.
Kota Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Yamato, Kazuo Hiekata, Innovative on-demand bus system in Japan, IET Intelligent Transportation System, 4(4), pp. 270-279, 2010.12
「日本一わかりやすいMaaS&CASE――ストーリーで理解する」中村 尚樹 (著) プレジデント社 第二章で紹介されています
オープンデータの大規模化とAI/MLの高性能化により、人文学の分野においてもデータ駆動型研究(大規模データの収集と分析を通して新しい知識を得る方法論)が広がっている。本研究では、人文学(歴史学・文学など)や文化機関(図書館・博物館・文書館など)が抱える課題に対して、データ駆動型研究の実践による課題解決を行う。With the increase in the scale of open data and the high performance of AI / ML, data-driven research (methodology for acquiring new knowledge through the collection and analysis of large-scale data) is expanding in the field of humanities as well. In this research, we will solve the problems of humanities (history, literature, etc.) and cultural institutions (libraries, museums, archives, etc.) by practicing data-driven research.

プロジェクト紹介 / Project web page