進学・卒論配属希望の方へ / For Prospective Students

ポリシーとカリキュラム /
Policy and Curriculum






Deploma Policy

Our lab is an environment to develop advanced skills and leadership abilities. Accordingly, students are exposed to the following:

Curriculum Policy

To foster the items in Deploma Policy, studens should learn followings.

See this page for the details of skills and methods

研究室での生活 /
Life in the Lab


毎日昼休みに5-10分程度のdaily daily scrum meeting があります。短時間で済む確認や研究に関する問題の早期共有などを行います。8割くらいの出席を期待しています。




There is a weekly 2.5 hours research meeting to report on the progress of the research. Discussions on the content of the research are held here.

There is a 5-10 minute daily scrum meeting during lunch break every day. We expect about 80% attendance.

Presentations in the laboratory will basically be given in English. Japanese is also acceptable for doctoral dissertations, master's theses, graduation theses, and presentations at domestic academic conferences.

This laboratory is operated both face-to-face and remotely. Currently (2023.12), we meet face-to-face two days a week in Kashiwa and remotely on other days.

In principle, expenses for traveling between campuses for laboratory activities are covered. However, graduate students must originate from the Kashiwa campus or home, and undergraduate students must originate from the Hongo campus or home.

卒業後の進路 /
After Graduation






After Graduation and PhD

Our graduates find a wide range of career opportunities in industry and academia. PhD graduates are especially capable researchers who can collaborate with peers and lead complex problem solving across disciplines.

If you wish to work in Japan, you should have a sufficient level of Japanese language proficiency. 

Contact us if you want to know more about our lab.

博士修了者の紹介 /
PhD Graduates

和中 真之介 / Shinnosuke Wanaka

国立研究開発法人 海上技術安全研究所 知識・データシステム系 データシステムグループ 研究員

Researcher, Data System Research Group, Knowledge & Data System Department

National Maritime Research Institute

2014 東京大学工学部システム創成学科卒業

2016 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 人間環境学専攻 修士課程修了

2017 マサチューセッツ工科大学システムデザイン&マネジメントコース客員研究員

2019 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 人間環境学専攻 博士課程修了

2014 B.E. School of Engineering, UTokyo

2016 M.S. Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, UTokyo

2017 Visiting scholar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2019 Ph.D. Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, UTokyo



I am working on system of systems (SoS) modeling and simulation of national maritime transportation system at The National Maritime Research Institute. The environment and technology related to maritime transportation is changing drastically. For sustainable and feasible development of maritime transportation systems, we need to have specialized strategies for making decisions regarding the implementation of future systems. System modeling and simulation for decision-making is currently my main focus at NMRI. 

Over the course of 5 years in this graduate program, I grew immensely and had the opportunity to experience many topics and visit many places. Graduate school presented many challenges, as well, but these trials made me a smarter and more capable researcher. If you join us, I'm sure you will grow, too!

孫 晶鈺 / Jingyu Sun

日本電信電話株式会社 (NTT) 未来ねっと研究所 研究員 


NTT Network Innovation Laboratories

2008 北京航空航天大学ソフトエンジニアリング学科 卒業

2013 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 人間環境学専攻 修士課程修了

2014 サンティエンヌ・ジャン・モネ大学(仏) 留学

2016 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 人間環境学専攻 博士課程修了

2008 B.S. Beihang University

2013 M.S. Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, UTokyo

2014 Research Students Univeristé Jean Monnet

2016 Ph.D. Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, UTokyo


大学院在籍中は、製造業を対象とした巨大部品の複雑な三次元形状の計測と評 価、加工手法の検討を行っていました。これまで、造船会社を対象として、レーザスキャナなどの三次元計測機器を利用した曲がり外板三次元形状の評価手法、そして三次元形状評価治具木型のバーチャル化による曲がり外板の加工方案生成シ ステムを開発しました。研究員として半年間フランスに交換留学の機会にも恵まれました。 


I am working on IoT-related research at NTT Network Innovation Laboratories. I am encouraged every day by the aim to value information through new sensing technologies, AI, and big data processing.

As a graduate student, I measured and evaluated large, complex 3-D shapes for the manufacturing industry and evaluated processing methods. For shipbuilding companies, I helped to develop an evaluation method for 3-D curved outer plates using 3-D measurement equipment, as well as a generation system for curved outer plates using 3-D shape evaluation for wood-type jigs. In addition, I had the opportunity to study in France for six months as a researcher.

If you plan to go on to graduate school, the experiences you gain during those few years of study will be extremely important for your future career. Please become immersed in research activities and recognize opportunities for growth. 

金 載烈  

富士通株式会社 Mobilityシステム事業本部 プラットフォーム事業部

2014 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 人間環境学専攻博士課程修了

現在、オンデマンド交通サービスの開発・展開に取り組みながら、MaaS(Mobility as a service)事業の推進や自動運転との連携にも携わっています。大学院在籍中は、地域特性に合わせたオンデマンド交通サービスの導入設計研究を行いました。

また、千葉県柏市、柏の葉エリアを中心に行ったマルチ交通シェアリングシステム(現在のMaaS概念)実証実験の先進的な取り組みなどにも参画する貴重な機会を頂きました。日本で培った知見やノウハウを活かし、韓国でオンデマンド交通実証実験を行った結果、 法整備への働きかけになり、韓国内でのオンデマンド交通普及に繋がりました。

