教育 / Education

新領域創成科学研究科 研究科共通科目 / Graduate School of Frontier Sciences: Core Subjects

「システムアーキテクチャ(日本語)」S1S2 , 4-7月


「モデルベースプロジェクトマネジメント(日本語)」S2 , 6-7月


「最適システム設計論(英語)」A1A2 , 9-1月


「システム設計学国際演習(英語)」A1, 9-11月

 「システムアーキテクチャ(日本語)」および「最適システム設計論(英語)」 の知識を利用したシステムやサービス、ビジネスを検討・設計する演習型の科目です。「最適システム設計論(英語)」との同時履修あるいは書籍による事前学習を推奨いたします。

Systems Architecture (Japanese)
S1S2 , April-July

This course covers methods for examining and designing systems, services, and businesses using systems thinking. This course mainly focuses on descriptive modeling and is intended for graduate students and working adults in general.

Model-Based Project Management (Japanese)
S2 , June-July

In project management, which has been systematized by organizing human knowledge and experience, the adoption of a scientific approach based on organizational simulation has been attracting attention in recent years. In this lecture, students will learn methodologies and tools for project management by modeling, simulating, and analyzing the results of projects, with practical examples.

Optimal System Design (English)
A1A2 , September-January

This course teaches students how to create and use models that can be analyzed quantitatively in the process of examining and designing systems, services, and businesses. The course assumes knowledge of science and engineering subjects at the undergraduate level.

International Seminar in System Design (English)
A1, September-November

This is an exercise course in which students examine and design systems, services, and businesses using knowledge from "System Architecture (Japanese)" and "Optimal System Design (English)". It is recommended to take this course together with "Optimal System Design (English)" or to study the book in advance.

新領域創成科学研究科 人間環境学専攻 /
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences: Department of Human Environmental Studies

「人間環境学基礎Ⅱ」S1S2, 4-7月


「知識情報処理特論」A1A2, 9-1月


Basic Human Environmental Studies II
S1S2, April-July

After learning the rudiments of object orientation, I am in charge of the design exercise of an information system that realizes a theme chosen by the students (such as a delivery service for a restaurant). Students create diagrams focusing on the structure, state transitions, and data flow of the target information, and role-play with the diagrams.

Advanced Knowledge Information Processing
A1A2, Sep-Jan.

With the theme of design and implementation of data-based pattern identifiers, this course provides basic exercises on topics related to Bayesian decision theory, maximum likelihood estimation, Bayesian inference, and machine learning.

工学部 システム創成学科 /
Faculty of Engineering: Department of Systems Innovation



3年生S2「プログラミング応用CⅡ 」




Foundational Project
Year 3, S1S2 Term

Students will perform exercises to define the man-hours and members of a project and work on simulations to find the delivery time and cost under assumed uncertainty.

Programming Application C II
Year 3, S2

Students will learn how to solve simultaneous linear equations, polynomial interpolation, least-squares approximation, calculus, and ordinary differential equations numerically.

Systems and Control Engineering
Year 3 S1

This course covers the control engineering concepts of linear feedback systems. In classical control theory, the properties of a system are represented by transfer functions with Laplace transforms, and the design of a control system involves manipulating the position of the characteristic roots to obtain the desired control properties. The knowledge in this lecture is also important for systems in the broad sense.