論文紹介 / Research Reviews
Here are some of the research projects we have done in the past and papers we have published.
Simulation for Emergent Behavior by Deployment of New Technologies
Simulation for Emergent Behavior by Deployment of New Technologies
海上物流システムは、複雑さのために新しい技術の導入効果などの推定には技術間の創発的な効果も想定する必要がある。本研究は技術の組み合わせにおける導入効果をより深く探索および評価するための意思決定支援手法を提案した。提案した手法を海上物流システムに適用し、複数の技術導入時の利益向上や二酸化炭素削減効果を評価している。図はコンテナ船における2つの技術の導入における創発効果を検討した例である。When introducing new technologies to maritime industry, emergence effects between those technologies will appear. Hence to explore and evaluate the introduction effect of technology combinations correctly, a decision support methodology is proposed. This method can explore and evaluate the emergence effect from the view of profit improvement , reduction during transportation period of a ship and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. The graph shows the emergence effect of a container ship.
Kazuo Hiekata, Shinnosuke Wanaka, Taiga Mitsuyuki, Ryuji Ueno, Ryota Wada, Bryan Moser, “System Analysis for Deployment of Internet of Things(IoT) in the Maritime Industry”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00773-020-00750-5
Hiekata K, Zhao Z. Decision Support System for Technology Deployment Considering Emergent Behaviors in the Maritime Industry. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022; 10(2):263. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10020263
Kazuo Hiekata, Shinnosuke Wanaka, Taiga Mitsuyuki, Ryuji Ueno, Ryota Wada, Bryan Moser, “System Analysis for Deployment of Internet of Things(IoT) in the Maritime Industry”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00773-020-00750-5
Hiekata K, Zhao Z. Decision Support System for Technology Deployment Considering Emergent Behaviors in the Maritime Industry. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022; 10(2):263. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10020263
Impact on Operational Efficiency by Team Configurations
Impact on Operational Efficiency by Team Configurations
企業や組織のオペレーションは複雑であり、新しい技術の導入効果には不確実性を伴う。情報技術の導入ではPOC(Proof Of Concept)による解決が期待されるが十分ではない。例えば、輸送システムにおいて新しいセンサー導入等による個別の輸送機器の故障率改善が、影響伝播や創発的効果を通じてシステム全体にどのような効果を及ぼすかを見積もることは困難である。本研究室では、新技術導入、組織変更、製品開発プロセス革新などによるトランスフォーメーションの影響評価に企業パートナーとともに取り組んでいる[産学連携の情報]。右図は、ソフトウエアの導入プロジェクトメンバー間の、組織変更などによるコミュニケーション水準の変更によるプロジェクト遅延防止への効果を予測した例。Operations of organizations are complex and impacts of new technology deployment are difficult to be predicted. We are working on this topic with modeling and simulations with industry partners. The right figure shows the impact of communication level by organization change on expected project delay.
Yoshiaki Oida, Bryan R Moser, Taiga Mitsuyuki, Roland de Filippi, Kazuo Hiekata, Design of Resource Brokering Architecture for a Portfolio of Projects, Proc. of CESUN Global Conference 2018, AI2-3, CESUN2018, Tokyo, Japan, 2018.6
システムとしての産業や社会の設計(Frontier Sciences Vol 33(4)より)
「システム思考がモノ・コトづくりを変える デジタルトランスフォーメーションを成功に導く思考法」 稗方和夫, 髙橋裕(日経BP)
Yoshiaki Oida, Bryan R Moser, Taiga Mitsuyuki, Roland de Filippi, Kazuo Hiekata, Design of Resource Brokering Architecture for a Portfolio of Projects, Proc. of CESUN Global Conference 2018, AI2-3, CESUN2018, Tokyo, Japan, 2018.6
システムとしての産業や社会の設計(Frontier Sciences Vol 33(4)より)
「システム思考がモノ・コトづくりを変える デジタルトランスフォーメーションを成功に導く思考法」 稗方和夫, 髙橋裕(日経BP)
Bias Breaking Workshop
Bias Breaking Workshop
専門家はその専門性がためにしばしば問題や解決策の発想の際にバイアスがかかる。バイアスブレイクワークショップでは、多分野の専門家間で協調しながらバイアスを言語化し、これを壊すことを通じて新しいアイデアを発想する。図はメタンハイドレート開発をテーマに行ったワークショップの作業結果である。新しいアイデアの創出のみならず、バイアスが存在することを認識することで参加者の意識を変化させることを目指した。Experts often have biases when conceiving problems and solutions due to their expertise. In a Bias Break workshop, experts from various fields collaborate to verbalize their biases and break them down to come up with new ideas. The figure shows the results of a workshop on methane hydrate development. The goal was not only to generate new ideas, but also to change the participants' awareness by recognizing the existence of biases.
Peng, S., Pelegrin, L., Luna, P.A., Horii, H., Moser, B.R. (2019, November). Problem exploration with bias breaking ideation for maritime emissions reduction. In Transdisciplinary Engineering for Complex Socio-technical Systems: Proceedings of the 26th ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, July 30–August 1, 2019 (Vol. 10, p. 115). IOS Press.
Peng, S., Pelegrin, L., Luna, P.A., Horii, H., Moser, B.R. (2019, November). Problem exploration with bias breaking ideation for maritime emissions reduction. In Transdisciplinary Engineering for Complex Socio-technical Systems: Proceedings of the 26th ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, July 30–August 1, 2019 (Vol. 10, p. 115). IOS Press.
Knowledge Discovery for Problem Solving
Knowledge Discovery for Problem Solving
Many options that are difficult for humans to consider are evaluated by simulation and data mining of the results, and patterns of choice to obtain the desired results are discovered. The figure on the right is an example of modeling a scenario under uncertainty such as crude oil price, exchange rate, ship price, freight, etc., and examining the timing of buying and selling ships and the profit as a fleet, including variations. We aim to discover decision-making patterns that are likely to lead to desirable results in businesses with uncertainty, such as the shipping market.
Hiekata, K., Wanaka, S. & Okubo, Y. Mining rules of decision-making for fleet composition under market uncertainty using a genetic algorithm. J Mar Sci Technol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00773-021-00864-4
Many options that are difficult for humans to consider are evaluated by simulation and data mining of the results, and patterns of choice to obtain the desired results are discovered. The figure on the right is an example of modeling a scenario under uncertainty such as crude oil price, exchange rate, ship price, freight, etc., and examining the timing of buying and selling ships and the profit as a fleet, including variations. We aim to discover decision-making patterns that are likely to lead to desirable results in businesses with uncertainty, such as the shipping market.
Hiekata, K., Wanaka, S. & Okubo, Y. Mining rules of decision-making for fleet composition under market uncertainty using a genetic algorithm. J Mar Sci Technol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00773-021-00864-4
オープンデータの大規模化とAI/MLの高性能化により、人文学の分野においてもデータ駆動型研究(大規模データの収集と分析を通して新しい知識を得る方法論)が広がっている。本研究では、人文学(歴史学・文学など)や文化機関(図書館・博物館・文書館など)が抱える課題に対して、データ駆動型研究の実践による課題解決を行う。With the increase in the scale of open data and the high performance of AI / ML, data-driven research (methodology for acquiring new knowledge through the collection and analysis of large-scale data) is expanding in the field of humanities as well. In this research, we will solve the problems of humanities (history, literature, etc.) and cultural institutions (libraries, museums, archives, etc.) by practicing data-driven research.
プロジェクト紹介 / Project web page
プロジェクト紹介 / Project web page
Development of Decision Support System for Electric Power Retailers
Development of Decision Support System for Electric Power Retailers
電力小売事業者の電力取引を目的として調達が必要な電力量と電力取引価格の提示を行い、ユーザーが入力する調達計画案を電力調達コストで評価することで、電力調達計画作成を支援するシステムの開発を行った。開発したシステムによって、1kW当たりの調達コストの平均と変動幅を算出することで、ユーザーが自身の持つ複数の計画案を比較検討できることを示した。図は開発したシステムの概要図。We developed a system to support the electric power procurement plan of an electric power retailer by presenting the amount of electric power that needs to be procured and the price of electric power trading, and by evaluating the procurement plan that users input in terms of the cost of electric power procurement. The system enables users to compare their own plans by calculating the average and range of fluctuation of the procurement cost per kW. Figure is a schematic diagram of the developed system.
稗方和夫, 城野裕大, 野村雅浩, 石蔵康介, 電力調達業務に有用な知識の抽出とシミュレーションによる評価, 人工知能学会研究会資料, SIG-KST-040-02, 2020.11
稗方和夫, 城野裕大, 野村雅浩, 石蔵康介, 電力調達業務に有用な知識の抽出とシミュレーションによる評価, 人工知能学会研究会資料, SIG-KST-040-02, 2020.11
Development of Accuracy Evaluation System for Curved Shell Plates
Development of Accuracy Evaluation System for Curved Shell Plates
We developed a system to evaluate curved shell plates for shipbuilding. The system is consisted of a laser scanner and algorithm for processing the measured data of laser scanners. The quality of shaping process currently depends on highly skilled person. The proposed system provide quantitative results for the curved plates and we are doing field test in several yards in Japan. The figure shows the evaluation results and decisions by a skilled worker.
Taiga Mitsuyuki, Kazuo Hiekata, Tatsuya Kasahara, Development of manufacturing support system for ship curved shell plate using laser scanner, Results in Engineering, 7, 2020
日本海事協会共同研究「レーザスキャナによる曲がり外板の工作精度評価システムの研究開発」 報告書
We developed a system to evaluate curved shell plates for shipbuilding. The system is consisted of a laser scanner and algorithm for processing the measured data of laser scanners. The quality of shaping process currently depends on highly skilled person. The proposed system provide quantitative results for the curved plates and we are doing field test in several yards in Japan. The figure shows the evaluation results and decisions by a skilled worker.
Taiga Mitsuyuki, Kazuo Hiekata, Tatsuya Kasahara, Development of manufacturing support system for ship curved shell plate using laser scanner, Results in Engineering, 7, 2020
日本海事協会共同研究「レーザスキャナによる曲がり外板の工作精度評価システムの研究開発」 報告書